howto order by a CMR field in EJB-QL? (not allowed?)

From: Hans Prueller <>
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2006 14:54:07 +0200

hi together!
I have been using an open source J2EE appserver for the last 4 years and
I'm evaluating alternatives as I perhaps want to migrate to another product
within near future.
One problem I have is, that GlassFish does not allow ORDER BY clauses using
CMR fields which is a critical requirement in my opinion.
Think of the following:
* @ejb:finder
 * signature= "java.util.Collection findAllSorted()"
 * query ="SELECT DISTINCT OBJECT(c) FROM SubscriberBean AS c ORDER BY, c.msisdn"
Where "c.instance" is a CMR relation (n:1) to CMP EB InstanceBean. If I want
to deploy the .ear containing above
finder, I get an error message that this EJB-QL is violating the EJB-SPEC
which seems to be the case.
Then I tried to change the query to make it ejb-ql conform:
* @ejb:finder
 * signature= "java.util.Collection findAll()"
 * query ="SELECT DISTINCT OBJECT(c) FROM SubscriberBean AS c, IN
(c.instance) as inst ORDER BY, c.msisdn"
Which shouldn't be violating the spec, but I get a deployment error that
"c.instance is not a collection valued CMR field".
The appserver I am currently using works fine with both alternatives. Is
there really no way to sort a ejb-ql result by a cmr-eb's attribute?
Any help appreciated,
PS: I'm not sure how different GlassFish is from SUN AS9 (or if there is any
technical difference at all) but I did download glassfish
from - so I am running SUN AS9.