Re: Configuring JSPWiki to run on Glassfish with security

From: Edson Richter <>
Date: Sun, 03 Sep 2006 12:32:12 -0300

Ok, my mistake. I forgot to configure "jaas-context = fileRealm".



Em Dom, 2006-09-03 às 02:05 -0300, Edson Richter escreveu:
> Hi!
> I'm trying to configure security to run JSPWiki on Glassfish.
> I realized:
> 1) I must change the "<realm-name>" on web.xml, bcs by default it
> contains "spaces" not allowed by Glassfish.
> 2) I must create a realm (a file realm in this case).
> 3) I must add user "admin" with respective password.
> Then I redeploy the application.
> After that, JSPWiki ask me user/password for login, but the
> authentication fails.
> I must be missing something... Someone could point me what it is?
> Regards,
> Richter
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