Re: debugging deployment failure

From: Vijay Ramachandran <Vijay.Ramachandran_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2006 14:26:47 -0700

Here is the root cause of deployment failure :

error: The @javax.jws.WebMethod annotation cannot be used in with
@javax.jws.WebService.endpointInterface element.

You have to fix your SEI. Please note that recently, the wsgen tool went
through some bug fixes one of which included catching these kind of
errors. So it is possible that this same sample / test was passing
before but has started failing now.


Ed Mooney wrote:

> Hi Vijay,
> Enclosing log after rotating log, restarting and redeploying. I should
> note that this is with the latest WSIT ( bits.
> -- Ed
> Vijay Ramachandran wrote:
>> In the server.log, there will be another set of stack trace just
>> before this stack trace. That stack trace comes from the JAXWS-RI.
>> Please share with us that trace which will give the exact reason for
>> wsgen failure
>> Thanks
>> Vijay
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