Review process for new features in GlassFish v2

From: Dhiru Pandey <Dhiru.Pandey_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 17:11:54 -0700

Hello All,

We are putting a review process in place for all new features that are
proposed for GlassFish v2. This would require that the module
lead/author to post a one pager (based on a template) that describes the
new feature, to the GlassFish Wiki and then solicit review
comments/feedback on it from the community.

Please provide us feedback on the review process being proposed.

*Review Process:*

    * The author of the one pager (based on a template HTML
      or TXT
      ) for the feature will post the one pager on a GlassFish wiki and
      start a new GlassFish forum
      <> thread
      soliciting feedback/comments on the new feature.
    * All one pager documents posted will allow a minimum of 2 weeks for
      the community to provide feedback.
    * During this period, author is expected to respond to
      feedback/comments posted by others on the forum.
    * At the end of this period the author will announce on the
      GlassFish forum
      <> thread
      that the review period has ended.
    * The author will update the one pager with all relevant
      feedback/comments received during this period.
    * Any feedback/comments received after this period will not be
      considered for this release (GlassFish v2).

Draft one pagers for some of the proposed new features for GlassFish v2
can be found below. Please note that the actual review process for each
of the one pagers would be started by the authors soon.

Thanks in advance,