Anybody with experience with the iTunes technical podcasts?

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2006 15:24:50 -0700

Does anybody have first hand experience with the iTunes technical
podcasts? either as a user or as a content publisher?

I want to start a weekly Newsletter repurposing the content in
TheAquarium (; we could do a podcast
based on the material in the Newsletter without too much effort, but,
although I have some experience with Screencasts I have none with
podcasts, and I don't really know how useful they could be.

The one case where I can see this being useful is while driving in the
car, and the number of podcast-enabled cars keeps growing, so I suspect
at some point technical podcasts will be useful, just don't know when
that will be, or what type of frequency / length / content will be


        - eduard/o