Re: Performance and access logging

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2006 20:28:33 -0700

vince kraemer wrote On 08/09/06 19:28,:

> Craig McClanahan wrote:
>> Jan Luehe wrote:
>>> [snip]
>>> I think regardless of whether access logging is on or off by
>>> default, once it is
>>> on (either by default or by configuration), developers expect
>>> immediate updates.
>>> I think we need to do a survey of how useful access logging is
>>> during development,
>>> and how much of a performance penalty people are willing to pay for it.
>>> Tomcat disables it by default, and nobody has ever complained about it.
>> There's a reason for that. The important log file during development
>> is the system log, not the access log ... so you can see exception
>> messages and the like. That's also why tools like NetBeans and
>> Creator give you direct access to the system log, but not to the
>> access log.
>> I'd vote for access log disabled by default. But also, given the
>> theory that the only time you'd want the access log enabled is a
>> production environment where performance is important, I'd also vote
>> for configuring the default enabled behavior to maximize performance.
> That is a consistent opinion. I like that.

I'm fine with turning access logging off by default in PE.

What about EE? Do we want it on by default? If yes, I agree that the
out-of-the-box settings should be such that perf is maximzed. If the
answer is no, then we could ask admins to pick appropriate settings
(to maximize perf) as they enable access logging.


> vbk
>> Craig McClanahan
>>> Jan
>>>>> Jan
>>>>>> vbk
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