Sorry for reposting, but I really need advice on how to this. I already
included IZ 903 bcs Glassfish ignores package-info and annotations put
in there.
I'll appreciate any help!
Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter escreveu:
> Hi!
> I'm trying add annotation to specify elementFormDefault=QUALIFIED to a
> web service, without success.
> In NetBeans 5.5, I got an advise to add
> @XmlSchema(elementFormDefault=QUALIFIED) into file.
> I've done it, but WSDL still have no elementFormDefault=QUALIFIED on it.
> Someone could tell me how to do it (I'm using NB 5.5 latest daily
> build with Glassfish b48).
> TIA,
> Richter
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