Glassfish keeps handles to jar-files of undeployed Web apps

From: Franck de Bruijn <>
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 22:32:53 +0200


I'm using Glassfish quite a while now and I am quite happy about it. Thanks!

One quirk I cannot get around with is the following.

If I deploy a web application (in exploded mode) into Glassfish, I cannot
replace a jar-file in the lib directory. This I can understand, although it
would be nice if it was possible.

However, after I undeploy the web application, I can still not replace a
jar-file in the lib directory. I have to stop Glassfish, replace the
jar-file, restart Glassfish and (possibly) redeploy the application.

Am I doing something wrong? Or is this the actual desired behaviour ... I
hope not :).

Thanks in advance,