Re: Java BugTracking System running on Glassfish

From: Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter <>
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 12:38:12 -0300

Jeanfrancois Arcand escreveu:
> Hi,
> Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I've found Elips (Electronic Issue Processing Software) from
>>, besides not being higly updated (last release
>> from 01/12/2004), is a interesting BTS that runs in Java, and works
>> very well with Glassfish (I had no problems at all until now),
>> besides it's too simple.
> No session reset this time :-) :-) Cool :-)
May be no session reset because I'm using this on UBUNTU - the behavior
on WinXP is consistent, and changed absolutely nothing since previous

I tend to try Glassfish on OpenSolaris, but there are so many hard
unsupported on it, it give it up (example, USB devices, like web cam and
ADSL modem, my NVidia card, my wide monitor double headed with 15" crt
monitor and so on).
May be I need a brand new hardward - probably a Sun one - to mount my
Glassfish lab here - but it's so hard to buy Sun on Brazil, I give it up.

>> Now, the OT part:
>> Anyone else knows other goos BTS systems (open source) that just
>> works on java app servers?
> Have you look at Might not be exactly what
> you want....
I did a look at scarab, but found two faults:
 - Is not just work out of the box (drop-it-and-start-working) - the
need for compilation votes against the project...
 - I must be sincere: every time I read "need Maven" on a project, I
take a bit scared. Every one fear things they don't understand, and I
don't understand Maven (and I never got it working). IMHO, is just too
much overhead for simple things a NB (or Eclipse) project is able to do...

But I've seen latest releases has ANT support (when I tried scarab first
time, it hadn't), so I'll probably try it then.

