In section 2.1 of EJB 3.0 Simplified API
"Metadata annotations may be used as an alternative to the deployment
descriptors that were required by
earlier versions of the Enterprise JavaBeans specification."
My ejb jar file is empty because I use annotations instead.
If I remove my ejb-jar.xml file I get the error:
Exception occur
es while invoking backend deployment service for file :
C:\bin\glassfish\domains\domain1\autodeploy\test-EJBModule.jar. --
Cannot determine the Java EE module type for
C:\bin\glassfish\domains\domain1\autodeploy\test-EJBModule.jar -
- Cannot determine the Java EE module type for
If I leave in the ejb-jar.xml file I get the error listed in my old email.
Do you have any sugestions?
Dennis Gesker wrote:
> Shing-Wai:
> Exactly right. My original test app did not have any ejbs in the
> ejb.jar. I didn't realize this was a violation of the spec. As soon as I
> added the empty session bean the problem cleared up.
> Dennis
> Shing Wai Chan wrote:
>> Dennis Gesker wrote:
>>> Art:
>>> I just posted my logs for Shing-Wai to examine. However, after adding
>>> a single session bean (no methods) the app deployed. I guess I don't
>>> know enough about how things are supposed to work to know if this is
>>> really a bug or just a curious happening.
>> Does it means your original test-EJBModule_jar does not have any ejb?
>> It is illegal to have an ejb jar without ejb.
>> Hi Hong,
>> Do you remember which build has this fix?
>> Thanks.
>> Shing Wai Chan
>>> Dennis
>>> Art wrote:
>>>> +1 - I had this same error too. I posted the following to nbusers
>>>> but I
>>>> have heard nothing yet.
>>>> Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2006 12:54:27 -0700
>>>> From: Art <>
>>>> To:
>>>> Subject: error deploying ear : Linked policy contexts have different
>>>> roleToSubjectMaps
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I am trying to deploy my application as a ear on glassfish b48 on nb5.5
>>>> (20060531200). I am getting the PolicyContextException shown below:
>>>> Exception occured in J2EEC Phase
>>>> com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.IASDeploymentException: Cannot
>>>> generate policy file for test. --
>>>> java.lang.RuntimeException:
>>>> Linked policy contexts have different roleToSubjectMaps
>>>> (test/test-WebModule_war)<->(test/test-EJBModule_jar)
>>>> at
>>>> at
>>>> com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.AppDeployerBase.generatePolicy(
>>>> at
>>>> com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.AppDeployer.doRequestFinish(
>>>> at
>>>> com.sun.enterprise.deployment.phasing.J2EECPhase.runPhase(
>>>> at
>>>> com.sun.enterprise.deployment.phasing.DeploymentPhase.executePhase(
>>>> at
>>>> com.sun.enterprise.deployment.phasing.PEDeploymentService.executePhases(
>>>> at
>>>> com.sun.enterprise.deployment.phasing.PEDeploymentService.deploy(
>>>> at
>>>> com.sun.enterprise.deployment.phasing.PEDeploymentService.deploy(
>>>> at
>>>> at
>>>> I have set my identical <security-role> in web.xml and application.xml.
>>>> I set my EJB class roles as annotations using
>>>> @RolesAllowed(value="ROLE1") leaving the ejb-jar.xml file blank. I
>>>> also
>>>> set identical <security-role-mapping> in sun-web.xml and
>>>> sun-ejb-jar.xml and sun-application.xml to no avail.
>>>> In this post it is stated we should not do this:
>>>> "In 9.1, we will fail deployment for empty ejb jar with an error
>>>> message
>>>> indicating the cause.
>>>> So if you see this inconsistent module state error, please check your
>>>> ejb jar to make sure you have ejbs inside. You should either have an
>>>> ejb-jar.xml with all the bean elements defined. Or if you use
>>>> annnotations and not having an ejb-jar.xml, your need to have component
>>>> level annotations in your bean source code: @Stateless, @Stateful,
>>>> @MessageDriven.
>>>> Additional note: persistent unit (@Entity) should not be packaged as
>>>> ejb
>>>> jar(specified as ejb module in the application.xml)."
>>>> My ejb-jar is empty because I use annotations to set the security
>>>> roles.
>>>> How do I get rid of this error? Any help is much appreciated.
>>>> Dennis Gesker wrote:
>>>>> <security-role>
>>>>> <role-name>employee</role-name>
>>>>> </security-role>
>>>>> When I add the element above to my application.xml I get a "Linked
>>>>> policy contexts have different roleToSubjectMaps" error. This is a
>>>>> fresh
>>>>> project.
>>>>> Could someone offer a hint as to what is happening? Shouldn't the
>>>>> application.xml cover both my ejb.jar and war files?
>>>>> Dennis
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>>> Dennis R. Gesker
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