Re: OASIS XML Catalogs implemented?

From: Mark Hansen <>
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 10:24:42 -0400

OK. I entered it as issue #591.

Vijay Ramachandran wrote:

>Hi Mark,
>There is a bug with using catalogs for the client in this way. Can you
>please file an issue and, if possible, attach your sample WAR/JAR/EAR ?
>On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 10:38, Mark Hansen wrote:
>>Hmmm. I'm having trouble. Here is my example. Any help appreciated!
>>The Web service uses @WebServiceRef to reference another web service ..
>>public class Hello {
>> @WebServiceRef(value = MyWebService.class,
>> wsdlLocation="http://someplace/myService?wsdl")
>> MyWeb port;
>>The wsdlLocation specified in Hello (above) is mapped by the catalog
>>like this:
>><catalog xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog"
>> <system
>> systemId="http://someplace/myService?wsdl"
>> uri="http://localhost:8080/myweb/MyWebService?wsdl"/>
>>Am I doing this right?
>>-- Mark
>>Vijay Ramachandran wrote:
>>>Hi Mark,
>>>Do you mean the webservice feature wherein developer can specify catalog
>>>for WSDL resolution ? If so, yes that feature is there. The catalog file
>>>should be named as jax-ws-catalog.xml and should be packaged in
>>>{WEB|META}-INF of the WAR/JAR that has the endpoint. If
>>>jax-ws-catalog.xml is present, the the WSDL mapped in the catalog will
>>>be used (appserv-core/.../webservice/WsUtil.chackCatalog()
>>>On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 07:41, Mark Hansen wrote:
>>>>Are OASIS XML Catalogs implemented in GlassFish? As of which build?
>>>>I'm having trouble getting it to work. Could just be my error, though.
>>>>-- Mark
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