Re: web app classloader not following spec, or...?

From: Jerome Dochez <Jerome.Dochez_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 06:57:00 -0700

Hi Joe

Seems like a bug to me. Have you tried to just put the
sitemesh-2.2.1.jar in a lib subdirectory of your ear file and point to
that directory with the "library-directory" element of your
application.xml ? it is described in the same chapter you pointed below


Joseph B. Ottinger wrote:
> Okay, another silly question, focused on deployment on Glassfish B44.
> i have an ear structured something like this:
> ear1.ear
> /META-INF/application.xml
> /ejb1.jar
> /util1.jar
> /sitemesh-2.2.1.jar
> /web1.war
> /web2.war
> Now, each .war uses a .tld and a filter that's located in
> sitemesh-2.2.1.jar. The META-INF/MANIFEST.MF for each .war refers to
> sitemesh-2.2.1.jar via the Class-Path entry, which is supposed to be
> supported when a .war is deployed in an .ear (see J2EE.8.2,
> specifically J2EE.8.2.1, from the Java EE spec referred to from
> However, the filter isn't loaded from the jar; deployment gives an
> exception, saying that the class for the filter isn't found. In fact,
> I have DWR installed up there too, and the DWR servlet isn't found
> either - even though I've checked the logs and the logs show both
> sitemesh and DWR in the classpath for the .wars. I haven't a clue
> whether the TLD is going to be resolved - but if the filter can't
> start and the web app doesn't deploy, that doesn't matter much.
> Again, according to J2EE.8.2, my understanding is that the web app
> should be able to load filters/servlets/TLDs from libraries referred
> to in the MANIFEST.MF file; perhaps I'm misunderstanding, and the
> manifest entry only applies to NON-servlets/filters/TLDs, as perhaps
> they need resources available to web-apps rather than being able to
> stand alone.
> Can anyone clarify this for me?
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Joseph B. Ottinger
> Editor,
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