Re: specifying Web Service Endpoint URLs

From: Dhiru Pandey <Dhiru.Pandey_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 17:16:20 -0700


Your issues with this are quite valid.

FWIW, these issues did come up earlier for discussion for the purposes
of standardization. Unfortunately, they surfaced too late in the
specification cycle.
We do intend to take care of this in the next revision of the specs.
(some of the issues raised cross specification boundaries and may
require changes in JSR-109, EJB and Servlet spec).

For the near term, it makes sense to have these addressed in the next
version of GlassFish (even though it will be in a non-portable,
non-standard way).


Mark Hansen wrote:

> IMHO, the GlassFish behavior for assigning endpoint URLs to Web
> Services, is confusing and in need of rationalization. I've filed an
> enhancement request (issue 574). Many may not agree with my comments,
> but I think this is an area where there needs to be some discussion
> within the community. So, please read this issue and offer your 2 cents!
> -- Mark
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