Re: The context root of an EAR application

From: Marina Vatkina <Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2006 09:15:40 -0700

Graf, Michael,

Can it be just an old build problem? The date on the build (from error
message) is Jan 04.


Michael Bouschen wrote:
> Hi Graf,
> the error message "unexpected token: LIKE" is misleading.
> Please remove the parenthesis around the LIKE argument:
> SELECT k FROM Kategoria k WHERE UPPER(k.megnevezes) LIKE :megnevezes
> Regards Michael
>> Hi Marina
>> The exception that was throw:
>> Exception Description: Error encountered when building the @NamedQuery
>> [findKategoriakByNameCaseInsensitive] from entity class [class
>> gl.exlybris.ejb.kategoria.Kategoria].
>> Internal Exception: Exception [TOPLINK-8001] (Oracle TopLink
>> Essentials - 10g release 4 ( (Build 060104Dev)):
>> oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.EJBQLException
>> Exception Description: Syntax Recognition Problem parsing the EJBQL
>> [SELECT k FROM Kategoria k WHERE UPPER(k.megnevezes) LIKE
>> (:megnevezes)]. The parser returned the following [unexpected token:
>> LIKE].
>> Local Exception Stack:
>> Exception [TOPLINK-7158] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 10g release 4
>> ( (Build 060104Dev)):
>> oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.ValidationException
>> Exception Description: Error encountered when building the @NamedQuery
>> [findKategoriakByNameCaseInsensitive] from entity class [class
>> gl.exlybris.ejb.kategoria.Kategoria].
>> Internal Exception: Exception [TOPLINK-8001] (Oracle TopLink
>> Essentials - 10g release 4 ( (Build 060104Dev)):
>> oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.EJBQLException
>> Exception Description: Syntax Recognition Problem parsing the EJBQL
>> [SELECT k FROM Kategoria k WHERE UPPER(k.megnevezes) LIKE (:nev)]. The
>> parser returned the following [unexpected token: LIKE].
>> where 'megnevezes' stands for 'name.
>> Graf László
>> Marina Vatkina wrote:
>>> Graf,
>>> UPPER is a supported Java Persistence Query language function.
>>> But I don't think it's supported with LIKE:
>>> "string_expression [NOT] LIKE pattern_value [ESCAPE escape_character]
>>> The string_expression must have a string value. The pattern_value is
>>> a string literal or a string-valued
>>> input parameter in which an underscore (_) stands for any single
>>> character, a percent (%) character
>>> stands for any sequence of characters (including the empty sequence),
>>> and all other characters stand for
>>> themselves."
>>> What exception do you get?
>>> thanks,
>>> -marina
>>> Graf László wrote:
>>>> Hi Hong,
>>>> You were right. There is an error in the server.log.
>>>> I used two named queries which contain the UPPER SQL function.
>>>> It seams that this is an illegal function for EBQL
>>>> @NamedQueries({
>>>> @NamedQuery(name="findKategoriakByNameCaseInsensitive",
>>>> query="SELECT k FROM Kategoria k WHERE
>>>> UPPER(k.megnevezes) LIKE UPPER(:nev)"),
>>>> @NamedQuery(name="findKategoriakByNameCaseSensitive",
>>>> query="SELECT k FROM Kategoria k WHERE k.megnevezes LIKE
>>>> :nev")
>>>> })
>>>> Any suggestion?
>>>> Thank you.
>>>> Graf László
>>>> Hong Zhang wrote:
>>>>> Hi, Graf
>>>>> Do you have a sun-application.xml packagd inside the ear and it
>>>>> also specifies a context root? If that's the case, the context root
>>>>> specified in the sun-application.xml takes high precedence.
>>>>> Also did you look at the server.log to check if everything is
>>>>> normal, no exceptions, and the web module is loaded at the context
>>>>> root as expected?
>>>>> If you don't have a sun-application.xml and server.log looks
>>>>> all normal to you, please attach you application and the
>>>>> server.log. I will try it out for you see what I can find out.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> - Hong
>>>>> Graf László wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> Using a NetBeans 5.5 for Windows and Sun Java System Application
>>>>>> Server Platform Edition 9.0 Beta (build b32g) for Linux, I did
>>>>>> create an enterprise application named 'exlybris'.
>>>>>> The server works fine, I did deploy the application without any
>>>>>> problem. This EAR contains an EJB module, named
>>>>>> 'exlybris-EJBModule.jar', and a web module, named
>>>>>> 'exlybris-WebModule.war', as you can see in my application.xml below:
>>>>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>>>>> <application version="5" xmlns=""
>>>>>> xmlns:xsi=""
>>>>>> xsi:schemaLocation="
>>>>>> <display-name>exlybris</display-name>
>>>>>> <module>
>>>>>> <web>
>>>>>> <web-uri>exlybris-WebModule.war</web-uri>
>>>>>> <context-root>/exlybris-WebModule</context-root>
>>>>>> </web>
>>>>>> </module>
>>>>>> <module>
>>>>>> <ejb>exlybris-EJBModule.jar</ejb>
>>>>>> </module>
>>>>>> </application>
>>>>>> The EJB module contains three container-managed EJB3 and the WEB
>>>>>> module contains a simple index.html only. The server can be
>>>>>> reached at the address 'http://ip-address:8080'. My question is,
>>>>>> if the context root of my web module is '/exlybris-WebModule', why
>>>>>> the server gives me the message
>>>>>> HTTP Status 404 -
>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> *type* Status report
>>>>>> *message*
>>>>>> *description* _The requested resource () is not available._
>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 9.0 Beta
>>>>>> when I access the URL 'http://ip-address:8080/exlybris-WebModule/' ?
>>>>>> Please help me.
>>>>>> Thank you,
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