sun-ejb-jar.xml <webservice-endpoint> gets overidden at deployment by annotation values

From: Mark Hansen <>
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 15:26:42 -0400

My understanding is that deployment descriptor values should overide
annotations. However, I am experiencing the opposite behavoir in the
following deployment.

I create an EJB-WAR to deploy a web service (EJB endpoint) for the
following class:

@WebService(serviceName="MyHelloService", name="MyHelloPortType",
public class Hello {
  public String sayHello(String s) {
    return "Hello: " + s;

Here is the sun-ejb-jar.xml that I package with this class in the EJB-JAR:


However, when I deploy the EJB-JAR, the web service endpoint is at the
the following URI: /MyHelloService/MyHelloPortType and, furthermore the
following sun-ejb-jar has been generated (in the
$GLASSFISH_HOME/glassfish/domains/domain1/generated/xml directory):


As you can see here, the endpoint-address-uri value that I provided in
my sun-ejb-jar.xml has been overidden by a URI derived from the
annotations. I believe that this behavior is incorrect, and that the
endpoint-addrees-uri value provided in the original sun-ejb-jar.xml
should overide the annotations. Otherwise, how can you specify an
endpoint address when deploying an EJB endpoint? The only GlassFish
mechanism for that is to use the sun-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor.

Please let me know if I am mistaken.

