Re: Service deployment with _at_WebService and endpointInterface no longer working

From: Vijay Ramachandran <Vijay.Ramachandran_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006 12:37:45 -0800

Hi Mark,

JSR181 has been updated to detail the use of targetNameSpace attribute.
Please refer to, item 19. This change was implemented in Glassfish late last week.

So in your sample case, since there is no targetNameSpace attribute in
@WebService of endpoint impl class, we have to derive the
targetNameSpace from its package and use that for the wsdl:service
element while using the targetNameSpace attribute in SEI for the

Hope this helps


On Tue, 2006-02-14 at 11:51, wrote:
> I rebuilt glassfish last night (Feb 13th) and some of my sample apps are no
> longer working. It seems as if the way that the container interprets the
> @WebService annotation has changed.
> I have the following service implementation bean:
> @WebService(
> endpointInterface="com.example.req.RequestOrderPort",
> wsdlLocation="WEB-INF/wsdl/RequestOrder.wsdl")
> public class RequestOrder implements RequestOrderPort {
> With the following service endpoint interface (SEI):
> @WebService(
> name = "RequestOrderPort",
> targetNamespace = "",
> wsdlLocation = "WEB-INF/wsdl/RequestOrder.wsdl")
> public interface RequestOrderPort {
> This used to work OK. Glassfish, when deploying the service implementation bean
> would look to the annotations on the SEI (e.g., for targetNamespace) as the
> basis for deployment. So, in this case, my web service would be deployed in
> the namespace
> However, with the build of Glassfish from Feb 13th, this same sample app is now
> getting deployed in teh namespace http://samples. That is the default for the
> service implementation bean - which has a package of simply 'samples'. So,
> Glassfish is no longer reading the targetNamespace from the SEI annotations.
> According to my reading of JSR-181, the current Glassfish implementation of
> @WebService for a service implementation bean is wrong. I think that the
> targetNamespace should be taken from the annotations on the SEI.
> Per JSR-181 pg 16 (Sec 4.1.1) ...
> "[The endpointInterface attribute provides] the complete name of the service
> endpoint interface defining the service's abstract Web Service contract. The
> annotatnion allows the developer to sparate the interface contract from the
> implementaion. If this annotatnion is present, the service endpoint interface
> is used to determine the abstract WSDL contract (portType and bindigns). ...."
> Of course, I could be wrong about this. It wouldn't be the first time that I've
> misread the specs :-)
> Can anyone shed some light on this issue?
> -- Mark
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