Re: Service deployment with _at_WebService and endpointInterface no longer working

From: Jerome Dochez <Jerome.Dochez_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2006 09:29:23 -0800

Vijay or Dhiru

Is it the latest JSR 109 changes that triggered this change of behaviour
? Can you help Mark.

Thanks, Jerome wrote:
> I rebuilt glassfish last night (Feb 13th) and some of my sample apps are no
> longer working. It seems as if the way that the container interprets the
> @WebService annotation has changed.
> I have the following service implementation bean:
> @WebService(
> endpointInterface="com.example.req.RequestOrderPort",
> wsdlLocation="WEB-INF/wsdl/RequestOrder.wsdl")
> public class RequestOrder implements RequestOrderPort {
> With the following service endpoint interface (SEI):
> @WebService(
> name = "RequestOrderPort",
> targetNamespace = "",
> wsdlLocation = "WEB-INF/wsdl/RequestOrder.wsdl")
> public interface RequestOrderPort {
> This used to work OK. Glassfish, when deploying the service implementation bean
> would look to the annotations on the SEI (e.g., for targetNamespace) as the
> basis for deployment. So, in this case, my web service would be deployed in
> the namespace
> However, with the build of Glassfish from Feb 13th, this same sample app is now
> getting deployed in teh namespace http://samples. That is the default for the
> service implementation bean - which has a package of simply 'samples'. So,
> Glassfish is no longer reading the targetNamespace from the SEI annotations.
> According to my reading of JSR-181, the current Glassfish implementation of
> @WebService for a service implementation bean is wrong. I think that the
> targetNamespace should be taken from the annotations on the SEI.
> Per JSR-181 pg 16 (Sec 4.1.1) ...
> "[The endpointInterface attribute provides] the complete name of the service
> endpoint interface defining the service's abstract Web Service contract. The
> annotatnion allows the developer to sparate the interface contract from the
> implementaion. If this annotatnion is present, the service endpoint interface
> is used to determine the abstract WSDL contract (portType and bindigns). ...."
> Of course, I could be wrong about this. It wouldn't be the first time that I've
> misread the specs :-)
> Can anyone shed some light on this issue?
> -- Mark
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