Re: Server seems to hang...

From: Binod <Binod.Pg_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 08 Feb 2006 15:54:50 +0530

Just coming back from vacation. Note sure, if this issue has already been

Can you try and produce a thread dump, when such a hang happens.

- Binod.

>I'am a witness of a strange behaviour from the part of the Glassfish app.
>server. Each time I run it the server log contains no errors or warnings.
>Still I can't see the default site nor the admin console - as if the
>server was hanged or waiting for something. When I start the browser I
>can't even get to any web page. The server doesn't seem to be willing to
>display a "stopping dommain" message on the console. I must kill the app.
>server to get things right. I changed ports and created different domains
>and I also played around with restricting or even stopping the firewall
>but it was of no help. Netstat shows that the server is listening on the
>due ports. Could you please share your experience with such a strange
>behaviour and how to solve the problem?
>I attach my configuration: OS WinXP, SP2; 2GB RAM; Glassfish installer
>b35; jdk1.5.0_05.
>Thanx a lot for any hints.
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