Server seems to hang...

From: <>
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 14:55:17 +0100 (CET)

I'am a witness of a strange behaviour from the part of the Glassfish app.
server. Each time I run it the server log contains no errors or warnings.
Still I can't see the default site nor the admin console - as if the
server was hanged or waiting for something. When I start the browser I
can't even get to any web page. The server doesn't seem to be willing to
display a "stopping dommain" message on the console. I must kill the app.
server to get things right. I changed ports and created different domains
and I also played around with restricting or even stopping the firewall
but it was of no help. Netstat shows that the server is listening on the
due ports. Could you please share your experience with such a strange
behaviour and how to solve the problem?

I attach my configuration: OS WinXP, SP2; 2GB RAM; Glassfish installer
b35; jdk1.5.0_05.

Thanx a lot for any hints.