
Re: Is anyone else hitting 'OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space' on a regular basis with GlassFish 3.0 ?

From: Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine <alexis.moussine-pouchkine_at_oracle.com>
Date: Thu, 12 May 2011 11:46:47 +0200

I've removed <anil.gaur_at_oracle.com> from the list of subscribers.

On 12 mai 2011, at 10:50, Anil Gaur wrote:

> Can someone please help me in getting unsubscribed to this mailing list.
> I am wrong Anil Gaur for this list !
> Regards
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Merlin [mailto:eskatos_at_n0pe.org]
> Sent: 11 May 2011 13:51
> To: Richard Kolb
> Cc: quality_at_glassfish.java.net
> Subject: Re: Is anyone else hitting 'OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space' on a regular basis with GlassFish 3.0 ?
> Quoting Richard Kolb <rjdkolb_at_gmail.com>:
>>> I see, something more like a health monitor :)
>>> That surely would help people restarting their container before crashing
>>> but I
>>> don't see the real added value over a OOME here : you have to restart
>>> anyway.
>> Sorry, what is a OOME ?
> OutOfMemoryException
>> In Linux you need to kill -9 the Java process, since Java does not respond
>> to kill. There is an option in NetBeans 7 to hard kill the server, but it
>> is not on by default.
> Hu, forgot about that ... so sure it would be helpful to be warned before this
> happens.
>>>> *cough* the one with the big knowledge on this is not me. I just see
>>>> the result. The links you sent are quite complex to understand,
>>>> *another cough* you volunteering ?
>>> :-D
>>> I thought about doing it while writing my email but .. I'm afraid I don't
>>> understand totally the issue, it feels just wrong to me. It would be a
>>> challenging task to write a comprehensive article. Plus I don't have a
>>> lot of
>>> free time theses months. Maybe if I face it again in the future I'll get
>>> enough
>>> motivation but hey, if this really piss me off, writing another rant post
>>> won't
>>> be really usefull.
>> lol :)
>>> To be continued :)
>> :) Great speaking to you.
> :-D
> /Paul