
Re: Deployment of our JEE 5 app on GFv3.1

From: Wouter van Reeven <wouter_at_van.reeven.nl>
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2010 19:23:57 +0100

On Tue, Nov 02, 2010 at 09:48:53AM -0700, Ryan Lubke wrote:
> Can you share the details on the NPE?

Sure. This is the stacktrace:

PWC1406: Servlet.service() for servlet FacesServlet threw exception
    at org.primefaces.context.PrimeExternalContext.redirect(PrimeExternalContext.java:45)
    at com.sun.faces.application.NavigationHandlerImpl.handleNavigation(NavigationHandlerImpl.java:182)
    at nl.mijnprivilege.pas.jsf.listener.AuthenticationPhaseListener.afterPhase(AuthenticationPhaseListener.java:39)

I'll have to admit that only now I have noticed the PrimeFaces class
that is throwing the NPE. Still, this works on GFv2. I'll contact the
PrimeFaces developers and will ask there what's going on.

Thanks, Wouter

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