
Re: Upgrading from Glassfish 2 to 3 - JSF & EJB problems

From: Richard Kolb <rjdkolb_at_gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2010 08:43:47 +0200

Hi Andreas

On 2 September 2010 17:07, Andreas Evers <krosan_at_gmail.com> wrote:

> I managed to create a sample application that demonstrates the problem.
> http://hotfile.com/dl/66516804/617a82f/evalea2.rar.html
> When trying on GF2, please remove the sun-web.xml in the
> evalea2\evalea2-web-admin\src\main\webapp\WEB-INF directory.
> When trying on GF3, just leave it as it is.
> The project is completely maven-built, so a simple install & package maven
> command in the evalea2 folder should produce the ear file in the target
> folder of the ear module.
> To see if it works or not, go to
> http://localhost:8080/evalea2-web-admin/login.xhtml
> If the message states: Status: EJB injection works then that means that the
> EJB is correctly injected into the controller. If it gives you a
> nullpointerexception, that means that the EJB isn't injected and the Dao
> object therefore null.

Wonderful, thank you! :) I am going to download this now.

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