
Re: Request for comments : FishCAT, the way forward

From: Richard Kolb <rjdkolb_at_gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 09:15:13 +0200

Hi Vladimir

On 2 July 2010 05:58, Vladimir Perlov <vladperl_at_hotmail.com> wrote:

> >But agreed type don't know GlassFish the full potential of what FishCAT
> can accomplish
> So shell we start some planning to see what we can accomplish?

Yes, and I think we need to have a modest approach and not a big bang
approach for now.
Perhaps we can have more long term goals as well.

> Maybe it doesn't make sense anymore to do some surveys?

Yes, I don't think so.
I don't want to send people annoying surveys without a clear strategy first.
(Because FishCAT is not active at the moment)

How about this short plan:
> July - writing vision, policy, strategy, business model and infrastructure
> specification

Top down business approach. I like this.
We already have a focus area, so I would like to keep that.

*Just some ideas for mission statement and short term vision
Mission statement :*
The FishCAT community team strives to keep GlassFish's high quality standard
and even improve the quality of this world class Enterprise technology.
The community is also committed to helping the GlassFish developers execute
their roles

*Short Term Vision :*
To attract and keep more than 50 activity participating independent FishCAT
members to passively test GlassFish 3.1 before it is released and activity
test specific new and existing features. While doing this

To attract more than 10 application specific Gold members.
(A gold member is someone who does active testing of specific applications
or frameworks. EG of frameworks :Vaadin , IceFaces , PrimeFaces EG of
Applications Hudson , Apache Archiva etc)
