
File locking problem

From: Wouter van Reeven <wouter_at_van.reeven.nl>
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2010 11:03:12 +0200

Hi all,

In the past few days I have been working on Windows 7 with NetBeans,
GlassFish 2.2.1 and Maven. I noticed this behaviour:

When I clean, undeploy and deploy our Enterprise Application with
NetBeans I get file locking errors, while I don't get them when I use
Maven to deploy and undeploy the app. The difference is that I call the
asadmin command from Maven to deploy our ear, while NetBeans uses the
internal deployment to deploy the app. When I clean the app and the
target directory needs to be removed, Maven complains it cannot delete
certain jars since they are in use by another application. Only when I
manually undeploy the ear, or sometimes even only when I stop GlassFish
all together, can the app be cleaned.

Has anyoone else experienced this? I'm not sure if I should report this
issue with GlassFish or with NetBeans.

Thanks, Wouter

Cloudless everyday you fall upon my waking eyes
inviting and inciting me to rise
And through the window in the wall
Come streaming in on sunlight wings
A million bright ambassadors of morning
[Pink Floyd - Echoes]
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