
RE: Request for comments : FishCAT, the way forward

From: Vladimir Perlov <vladperl_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2010 20:26:48 +0000

Hi everybody,
>This is just an idea to show how Stickers can be earned.

This is the way to go :)I have the same kind of list. So I will adjust mine to align to it.
>lol, I am thinking this is not a bad idea.>If we can't reward with anything tangible (like money) besides the other benefits obviously, let's call it what it is and maybe add some humor in it.Being apart of FishCAT should be fun and not always serious all the time. >Developers usually have a _strange_ sense of humor; let's attract them that way.
I know exactly why you have started to talk about humor. It will be easier for us in case we failed :)It's very clever tactics!
>Being serious all the time is for .NET people ;-) Do you think we will be sued for that slogan ?
It's really funny. We don't need any motivation if you every day will provide us with this kind of stuff :)
>Every FishCAT member should start with a clear slate every few months, so you can compete with the other FishCATs in the class for stickers.
It looks like our currency will have expiration date ;)I suggest to use concept of privileges and title will precisely define list of privileges.It makes sense for title to have expiration date but not for currency.
Have a good evening,Vladimir

Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2010 09:55:11 +0200
From: rjdkolb_at_gmail.com
To: quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
Subject: Re: Request for comments : FishCAT, the way forward

Hi Vladimir and Kristian

Nice discussion so far:)

On 25 June 2010 05:54, Vladimir Perlov <vladperl_at_hotmail.com> wrote:

> On the other side however, providing people> with "reward" for quantity of bugs filed doesn't seem a smart idea as
> it doesn't say anything about quality of bug filed (duplicates, simple> misconfiguration issues, ...).
It's easy one to fix. The issue filler will get some score only after review and confirmation from quality engineer from Oracle.

I actually agree with this. But FishCat should have some very clear ways to score.

For a 'bug'
1) You need to search for duplicates
2) You need to post a message on the GlassFish users mailing list saying you searched for dups : 2 Stickers

3) Someone else needs to comment : 2 Stickers
4) When someone does not have a clear answer you can log the issue
5) The issue must have clear steps to reproduce and question was asked on GlassFish users mailing list : 2 Stickers

So someone who just logs an issue gets 2 Stickers
So someone who goes though the process gets 6 Stickers

This is just an idea to show how Stickers can be earned.

> In my testing of gfv3, I didn't really> run into any serious issues worth reporting so I don't get points for
> filing any. Should a testing reward motivate people to file "much", or> should it motivate to provide _good_ feedback? :)
That why I'm suggesting to make virtual currency instead of plain points.
You will be able to earn the currency in many ways. For example helping on forums, suggesting new features, making demo or promoting the product. I will describe in details how it should work in the document that I will have prepared by Monday.

If virtual currency idea will not get support then we should ask Richard to rename points to stickers and beg his daughter to provide us with some amount of them :)

lol, I am thinking this is not a bad idea.
If we can't reward with anything tangible (like money) besides the other benefits obviously, let's call it what it is and maybe add some humor in it.Being apart of FishCAT should be fun and not always serious all the time. Developers usually have a _strange_ sense of humor; let's attract them that way.

Being serious all the time is for .NET people ;-) Do you think we will be sued for that slogan ?

Every FishCAT member should start with a clear slate every few months, so you can compete with the other FishCATs in the class for stickers.


The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with Hotmail.