
Re: webapps, hessian services, gfv3 -> severe fuzzy problems?

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 14:34:13 -0700

Hi Kristian,

"Well... I know that tracing this down without knowing much about the
applications involved might be next to impossible,",
yes, how about you dig into application a bit, if you can find out which
application hit this v2 to v3 regression, please help
to file a bug. Meanwhile, let see if any one can give any advice on
those 3 errors you list below.

Thanks and it is nice to hear from you :-)

Kristian Rink wrote:
> Folks;
> in one of our setups, we have a bunch of web applications (Spring
> based) communicating with each other via Hessian remoting, using a
> dedicated http-listener listening on port 9898 for the sole purpose of
> enabling this communication, while client users access the
> applications using the "regular" port 8080 listener. We use these two
> listeners because, using just one, we used to have severe problems
> with threads locking each other in the past.
> It worked pretty well this way for years on gfv2, but after migrating
> to gfv3, it seems not to work reliable anymore, as, under load,
> peculiar errors start to show up, mainly involving access errors,
> processes taking ages to come to an end, ... . Basically, it's not
> stable at all so I will roll back to gfv2 today and examine the
> situation on v3...
> Browsing the log file, here's what I found, ordered by frequency of
> appearance:
> - "Invalid chunk header", extremely often with Hessian being involved
> and load on the system increasing a little (load test, in example):
> [#|2010-03-23T09:55:27.725+0100|WARNING|glassfishv3.0|javax.enterprise.system.container.web.com.sun.enterprise.web|_ThreadID=3
> 9;_ThreadName=http-backend-thread-pool-9898-(7);|StandardWrapperValve[remoting]:
> PWC1406: Servlet.service() for servlet remoti
> ng threw exception
> java.io.IOException: Invalid chunk header
> at
> com.sun.grizzly.tcp.http11.filters.ChunkedInputFilter.doRead(ChunkedInputFilter.java:169)
> at
> com.sun.grizzly.tcp.http11.InternalInputBuffer.doRead(InternalInputBuffer.java:731)
> at com.sun.grizzly.tcp.Request.doRead(Request.java:490)
> - "Unexpected end of file from server", more or less often:
> [#|2010-03-23T10:02:46.105+0100|WARNING|glassfishv3.0|com.caucho.hessian.server.HessianSkeleton|_ThreadID=149;_ThreadName=Thre
> ad-1;|com.caucho.hessian.client.HessianConnectionException: 500:
> java.net.SocketException: Unexpected end of file from server
> com.caucho.hessian.client.HessianConnectionException: 500:
> java.net.SocketException: Unexpected end of file from server
> at
> com.caucho.hessian.client.HessianProxy.invoke(HessianProxy.java:197)
> at $Proxy180.getMetaFiles(Unknown Source)
> - Exception "500" for a given URL, even though the service _seems_ up
> and running and is accessible from a command line client:
> [#|2010-03-23T09:55:27.734+0100|WARNING|glassfishv3.0|org.springframework.remoting.support.RemoteInvocationTraceInterceptor|_T
> hreadID=108;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|Processing of HessianServiceExporter
> remote call resulted in fatal exception: de.planconnect
> .lib.core.api.IDocumentDAO.getDocumentById
> com.caucho.hessian.client.HessianConnectionException: 500:
> java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for UR
> L:
> http://localhost:9898/webapp-svcs-backend-fileservices/services/fileaccess
> at
> com.caucho.hessian.client.HessianProxy.invoke(HessianProxy.java:197)
> at $Proxy180.getMetaFiles(Unknown Source)
> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
> Well... I know that tracing this down without knowing much about the
> applications involved might be next to impossible, but, as this worked
> flawlessly on v2, I am not sure whether it's an application issue or
> "just"(?) a matter of HTTP configuration on v3. Do these errors make
> something to anyone out here? Any inspirations, hints, ... on that?
> TIA and all the best,
> Kristian