
Re: EJB development with Maven, making it easier and more fool proof.

From: Richard Kolb <rjdkolb_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2010 10:56:38 +0200

On 16 March 2010 10:45, Wouter van Reeven <wouter_at_van.reeven.nl> wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 10:34:32AM +0200, Richard Kolb wrote:
> > Yes, but it is more than that. It effects JavaEE 5 as well.
> > It is indeed a side effect on how Maven packages EJB's by default.
> >
> >
> > The normal EJB packaging does not include the JAR's
> Exactly my point :-) It looks like the developers of the
> maven-ejb-plugin didn't expect anyone to create stand alone EJB jar
> files. Then again, a jar isn't supposed to contain other jars. If you
> create a single jar out of several distinct jars, the classes in the
> distinct jar are extracted and packaged in the single jar. That way the
> classes are available but you no longer have the separate jars. To
> circumvent this issue, the ear file type was created.
> So, in short, I *think* what you're trying to do is not very common.

You don't think so ? Perhaps.
But a EJB does not need a war to function as it can have web services,
schedules etc.

I suppose you should create an ear with the EJB jar and the log4j jar in
> it, especially when using Java EE5. And I don't think this is different
> in Java EE6.

I could, but that's messy with Maven
Then when I add a dep to the EJB , I need to add it to the EAR and not get
the version different
