
Re: Order of injection for EJB's

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 00:14:20 -0800

"I'm using EJB's much more heavily now.", that is great news. Let's
wait for some time for help.

Just a quick hi :-)


Richard Kolb wrote:
> Hi Cats.
> I have a problem deploying my EJB application on GlassFish 3.
> I'm using EJB's much more heavily now.
> A very simplified version of my application is.
> @Stateless
> public class AFacade implements AFacadeLocal {
> }
> then
> public class BFacade implements BFacadeLocal {
> @EJB
> private AFacadeLocal aFacade;
> }
> java.ejb.DependsOn is for Singletons
> java.ejb.Dependent is maybe what I should use ? But I am not sure how.
> Sometime the EJB deploys and sometimes not. - Because it can't find
> AFacade
> Is that correct in terms of GlassFish 3?
> regards
> Richard.