
Re: Fwd: [Issue 11388] [other] [embedded] Unable to get basic unit test working in Maven

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 2010 01:40:36 -0800

Hi Richard,

You are doing so many things, supper man :-)

May be when you have time you could share with us your experience and
result with TDD? In what way it helps you to write a high quality
code. Some examples
would be good to show when you do the TDD you can catch the bug, if you
don't you may miss the bug. It is no hurry, only when you got time.

*Test-driven development* (TDD) is a software development
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_development> technique that
relies on the repetition of a very short development cycle: First the
developer writes a failing automated test case
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test_case> that defines a desired
improvement or new function, then produces code to pass that test and
finally refactors <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_refactoring> the
new code to acceptable standards


Richard Kolb wrote:
> Hi Judy
> 2010/1/6 Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_sun.com <mailto:Judy.J.Tang_at_sun.com>>
> I am happy to know you got it to work.
> Me as well. :)
> Getting some very nice unit tests going now. And test driven
> development http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test-driven_development
> I like your suggestion. I have added my comment bellow to this
> issue. I will also follow up with developer :-)
> "As Richard suggested we should doc this. I also wonder if we
> could put in the code to do the following 2 things:
> (1) Add code to check for the required dependency order
> (2) If dependency order is not correct, issue more meaningful
> error message"
> I don't think the above is possible unfortunately. (Even though it
> would be nice)
> The problem is I was using a class in the javaee-6-api.jar (which is a
> empty shell) by accident.
> And I should have been using the class in the Embedded jar.
> So if you just swap the order it works.
> I think the best you can hope for is a trouble shooting note
> regards
> Richard.