
Re: semi-OT: jax-ws web services with embedded xsd?

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 16:13:55 -0800

Hi Kristian,

There is a RFE filed already, please add your id in the cc list to
follow up.

Thanks :-)
There is a RFE filed for this(apparently, flash clients also cannot 
process external schemas). I have most of the stuff got it working. Just 
need to wire it up with tools with an option.
Kristian Rink wrote:
> Hi Judy;
> and first off, thanks a bunch to you (and your fellow developer, 
> actually... ;) ) for providing me with input on that.
> Judy Tang schrieb:
>> By default, wsgen tool generates wsdl and schemas in different files. 
>> Some users have already requested to generate the schemas in the wsdl 
>> via an option to wsgen tool(I think it is easy to do that).
> Is this on any actual roadmap at the moment, or would it be worth 
> filing an enhancement issue?
>> But one can manually embed the schemas in the  wsdl and package the 
>> wsdl in war/ear. Then JAX-WS just publishes that wsdl.
> Fine with me. Actually, at the moment we are evaluating a 
> contract-first approach which seems more sane, and from this point of 
> view, wsdl/xsd handling might be quite different finally, after all.
> Anyway, thanks a bunch and all the best to you,
> K.