
Re: semi-OT: jax-ws web services with embedded xsd?

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 21:58:04 -0800

Hi Kristian,

Following is the reply from developer Jitu.

Thanks :-)


By default, wsgen tool generates wsdl and schemas in different files.
Some users have already requested to generate the schemas in the wsdl
via an option to wsgen tool(I think it is easy to do that).

But one can manually embed the schemas in the wsdl and package the wsdl
in war/ear. Then JAX-WS just publishes that wsdl.


Judy Tang wrote:
> Hi Kristian,
> I have forwarded your question to the developer, will let you know.
> "but maybe this is a place as good as others to find someone who
> knows", yes, it turns out the developer is sitting
> across from my office :-)
> Thanks,
> Judy
> Kristian Rink wrote:
>> Folks;
>> not completely related to glassfish, but maybe this is a place as
>> good as others to find someone who knows: For what I see, using the
>> JAX-WS implementation that comes with Glassfish V2, in web services
>> exposed here there are two URLs to fetch WSDL and xsd declarations
>> referred to from within the WSDL, in example
>> and
>> One of our legacy backend systems is pretty bad at attaching to SOAP
>> (and it is even worse attaching to anything else, unfortunately :( ),
>> and for this environment, having the xsd definitions embedded into
>> the WSDL directly would be of great help. Does anyone out here know
>> whether something like this is possible (per configuration?) in GFv2?
>> TIA and all the best,
>> Kristian
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