
Re: Publish GlassFish v3 FishCAT Survey Results

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 09 Dec 2009 16:50:07 -0800

Thanks Ken :-)

FishCAT is a win-win program which is the key for a community program to
be successful. There are
so many praise on how fast developer fix bugs, see detailed survey
results please *CLICK.
<http://blogs.sun.com/judy/resource/SurveyResultShort.html>* FishCAT is
also a team work, we SQE often meet to put a plan and goal together.

Ken Paulsen wrote:
> Excellent Survey results! Shows that you are running a very
> successful program, esp. the last question. :)
> Ken
> Judy Tang wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Here is GlassFish v3 FishCAT Survey Results, the GlassFish v3 quality
>> rating is very high,
>> please click to find out :-)
>> http://blogs.sun.com/judy/entry/glassfish_v3_fishcat_survey_results
>> Here are the people participated. Thank you so much for your input
>> which has great value to us!
>> Richard, Sebastien, Wang Hesheng, Felipe, Jose, Wolfram, Matthias,
>> Vladimir, Wouter,
>> Cay, Dick, Kristian, Adam, Tong Jun, Wu Jie, Kana
>> Here is FishCAT Sticker to you :-)
>> http://blogs.sun.com/judy/resource/GlassFish---FishCat.jpg
>> Thanks,
>> Judy