
[FishCAT]Properties dialog fills the width of the screen

From: Tong Jun <tongjun_at_cn.fujitsu.com>
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2009 10:24:38 +0900


I find a problem of properties dialog's width when the server
name is too long.

Firstly, create a new GlassFish server(such as GlassFish v3
Java EE 6), in the "Server name" field, fill a long server name
about 200 characters. click "Finish" .

Then, right click a java project and choose "Properties", the
properties dialog shows in a normal size. (please see the
atachement of normal.gif). then click the label of "Server",
the dialog suddenly filles the width of the screen.(please see the
atachement of error1.gif).

If right click the server name and choose "properties", the same
thing happens.

Can you restrict the width of the dialog?

Tong Jun

(image/gif attachment: error1.gif)

(image/gif attachment: normal.gif)