
"The FishCAT folks really deserve their own spotlights" - News on The Aquarium

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sun, 06 Dec 2009 00:11:23 -0800

Hi CATs,

You are on The Aquarium, please check out this blog
<http://blogs.sun.com/theaquarium/entry/please_no_commits_on_v3> by
Eduardo, thanks Eduardo for your support on FishCAT program !

"It's been a hard year <http://blogs.sun.com/theaquarium/tags/oracle>,
but the GlassFish community has kept pushing v3 onward and all the
indicators are that the result is very
much worth the effort.", that is right, just take a look at the MarkMail
chartsat on QUALITY
every email, every bug helped
improve GlassFish quality. I am thinking to write a special blog to
celebrate v3 together with you.

Here is a blog
<http://blogs.sun.com/judy/entry/fishcat_for_v3_prelude_survey> from v3
Prelude FishCAT program, if you could send me some of the following info
by next Tuesday, I can add you
in this blog. We are looking forward to meet you :-)

- Your blog
- Your blog on v3 if you have one, if not, may be write one :-)
- Your picture (optional)
- Your FishCAT survey
if you have not done so

Please continue check The Aquarium blog
<http://blogs.sun.com/theaquarium/> for the latest v3 news.

Have a good weekend !

Here is a FishCAT picture of the week, it is crab season in California,
how about your place :-)

(image/jpeg attachment: DSC_0247_3.JPG)