
Re: Some views on FishCAT

From: Ludovic Champenois <Ludovic.Champenois_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 03 Dec 2009 03:31:10 -0800

On Dec 3, 2009, at 1:20 AM, Tong Jun <tongjun_at_cn.fujitsu.com> wrote:

> To: Judy
> CC: FishCAT developers
> I have use FishCAT for three weeks and submitted some bugs
> to the community.From the use of FishCAT, I have following opinions.
> 1. About FishCAT development team
> FishCAT team is a first-class development team,when you submit a bug,
> they can fastly fix it.In addition, they are responsible.
> 2. FishCAT's test mode
> FishCAT's test mode is very good. It can mobilize the power of open
> source community.Many FishCAT fans from different country test the
> software and submit bugs to community. This test mode can not only
> promote the quality of software but also offer a platform for
> programmers
> to communication with each other.
> 3. FishCAT's advantages
> FishCAT has provided convenience for rapid application
> development,it offers
> many functions. I like these functions such as server,Web
> service,Maven.
> Programmers can easily deploy the application and so on.
> 4. Some advices
> Although FishCAT has many advantages, it also has room for
> improvement,
> For example following function can be added.
> (1) When create a "Dynamic Web Project",".war" file can be created
> automatic
> for user.

Eclipse can do that via the "export " menu on a web project or an ear

Nothing more to add to our plugin.

> If user doesn't use glassfish.For example they use Tomcat etc,this
> function will provide convenient for users.
> (2) As same,create a "Java project",".jar" file can be created
> automatic.
> finally, 祝福(means "best wish to") FishCAT.
> --------------------------------------------------
> Tong Jun
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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