
Some views on FishCAT

From: Tong Jun <tongjun_at_cn.fujitsu.com>
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2009 18:20:12 +0900

To: Judy
CC: FishCAT developers

I have use FishCAT for three weeks and submitted some bugs
to the community.From the use of FishCAT, I have following opinions.

1. About FishCAT development team
FishCAT team is a first-class development team,when you submit a bug,
they can fastly fix it.In addition, they are responsible.

2. FishCAT's test mode
FishCAT's test mode is very good. It can mobilize the power of open
source community.Many FishCAT fans from different country test the
software and submit bugs to community. This test mode can not only
promote the quality of software but also offer a platform for programmers
to communication with each other.

3. FishCAT's advantages
FishCAT has provided convenience for rapid application development,it offers
many functions. I like these functions such as server,Web service,Maven.
Programmers can easily deploy the application and so on.

4. Some advices
Although FishCAT has many advantages, it also has room for improvement,
For example following function can be added.
(1) When create a "Dynamic Web Project",".war" file can be created automatic
for user.If user doesn't use glassfish.For example they use Tomcat etc,this
function will provide convenient for users.
(2) As same,create a "Java project",".jar" file can be created automatic.

finally, 祝福(means "best wish to") FishCAT.

Tong Jun