
Re: Exception during accessing admin console for Glassfish V3

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2009 14:39:01 -0800

Hi Siddesh :-)

The Installation Guide says it, but may be more than 50% people won't
read it before the installation :-)

How to design a product to meet these 50% people need is a challenge!

I looked the v3 Troubleshooting Guide
and see the following lay out. The JDK issue is mentioned in both
chapter 1 and 2. I just filed a doc enhancement 11350
<https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=11350> suggest to
add a chapter "Frequently Hit Issues" into
Troubleshooting Guide, let's see how doc team thinks.

    * expand / collapse
      <http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/820-7699/abgap?l=en&q=Sun+GlassFish+Enterprise+Server+v3&a=browse>*1. Overview
      of *Enterprise* *Server* Troubleshooting *

    * expand / collapse
      <http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/820-7699/abgbj?l=en&q=Sun+GlassFish+Enterprise+Server+v3&a=browse>*2. Specific
      Issues *

    * expand / collapse
      <http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/820-7699/abgkd?l=en&q=Sun+GlassFish+Enterprise+Server+v3&a=browse>*3. Frequently
      Asked Questions *


siddesh.kamath_at_sun.com wrote:
> Hi Judy,
> Thanks for all your efforts!!
> The installation guide clearly says(Which I had not read before
> installing :-D ) :
> *
> For supported operating systems *except* Mac OS X, the minimum
> required version is 1.6.0_17.
> *
> For the Mac OS X operating system, the minimum required version is
> 1.6.0_15.
> However, a trouble shooting guide might definitely help!!
> regards
> sid
> Judy Tang wrote:
>> Hi Siddesh, Rishard, Anissa, Thank you all for the discussion and
>> help with each other. Two things I am thinking
>> on how we can avoid these kind questions from users to save the money
>> on customer calls.
>> (1) JDK version, how we can give user a hint it could be the JDK
>> version caused issue. I know it is hard, since
>> JDK version issue can break in many places and showing all different
>> symptoms. May be a common error handling
>> routine can be called to give user a list of possible causes, JDK
>> version being one in the list ?
>> (2) Wrong server version is used as Anissa pointer out. This happens
>> often. Suggestion is also as above to list it out.
>> May be it is hard to implementing all these in the code, may be our
>> trouble shooting guide should have a big bold
>> section to list out most common error users run into? May be it is
>> already there?
>> Thanks,
>> Judy
>> siddesh.kamath_at_sun.com wrote:
>>> Thanks a lot for all the replies!!
>>> The problem was indeed with JDK...I was using JDK1.6_01...updated to
>>> jdk1.6_17 and now it rocks!!
>>> regards
>>> sid
>>> Richard Kolb wrote:
>>>> Hi Siddesh
>>>> 2009/12/21 siddesh.kamath_at_sun.com <mailto:siddesh.kamath_at_sun.com>
>>>> <Siddesh.Kamath_at_sun.com <mailto:Siddesh.Kamath_at_sun.com>>
>>>> Thanks a lot for replying.
>>>> No problem
>>>> Yes, I get it every time I hit localhost:4848 and the admin
>>>> console never comes up.
>>>> No, I checked the disk space/quota too. Its fine.
>>>> Hmmm...
>>>> What I know about Solaris can be used to scare small children :)
>>>> Just tested on my :
>>>> SunOS 5.10 Generic_137138-09 i86pc i386 i86pc
>>>> And it works.
>>>> Did you check your Java version ?
>>>> You would want 1.6.0_16 at least
>>>> My last guess is the zip is corrupt.
>>>> regards
>>>> Richard.
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