
Re: Exception during accessing admin console for Glassfish V3

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2009 09:30:47 -0800

Hi Siddesh, Rishard, Anissa, Thank you all for the discussion and help
with each other. Two things I am thinking
on how we can avoid these kind questions from users to save the money on
customer calls.

(1) JDK version, how we can give user a hint it could be the JDK version
caused issue. I know it is hard, since
JDK version issue can break in many places and showing all different
symptoms. May be a common error handling
routine can be called to give user a list of possible causes, JDK
version being one in the list ?

(2) Wrong server version is used as Anissa pointer out. This happens
often. Suggestion is also as above to list it out.

May be it is hard to implementing all these in the code, may be our
trouble shooting guide should have a big bold
section to list out most common error users run into? May be it is
already there?

siddesh.kamath_at_sun.com wrote:
> Thanks a lot for all the replies!!
> The problem was indeed with JDK...I was using JDK1.6_01...updated to
> jdk1.6_17 and now it rocks!!
> regards
> sid
> Richard Kolb wrote:
>> Hi Siddesh
>> 2009/12/21 siddesh.kamath_at_sun.com <mailto:siddesh.kamath_at_sun.com>
>> <Siddesh.Kamath_at_sun.com <mailto:Siddesh.Kamath_at_sun.com>>
>> Thanks a lot for replying.
>> No problem
>> Yes, I get it every time I hit localhost:4848 and the admin
>> console never comes up.
>> No, I checked the disk space/quota too. Its fine.
>> Hmmm...
>> What I know about Solaris can be used to scare small children :)
>> Just tested on my :
>> SunOS 5.10 Generic_137138-09 i86pc i386 i86pc
>> And it works.
>> Did you check your Java version ?
>> You would want 1.6.0_16 at least
>> My last guess is the zip is corrupt.
>> regards
>> Richard.
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