
Re: JSF 2, an implementation that works and looks pretty

From: Richard Kolb <rjdkolb_at_gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2009 08:22:08 +0200

2009/12/21 Richard Kolb <rjdkolb_at_gmail.com>

> The last 3 seem to work really well. The dataTable has an issue with
>> UICommands (commandLink, commandButtons, etc) in the table that I hope to
>> have resolved before the end of the Christmas break. Before 2.0 goes final,
>> I'd like to have a gcal-like calendar component and comet support, for
>> example. If there is anything else you'd like to see, feel free to email me
>> (or file an RFE on the tracker) and I'll do what I can.
> Much appreciated, thanks Jason :)
> A true lazy loading data table component would be nice.
> I create Stateless Session that exposes the following for my tables (uses
> Session Beans from entity classes NetBeans pattern) :
> * void create(MigrationAudit migrationAudit);
> void edit(MigrationAudit migrationAudit);
> void remove(MigrationAudit migrationAudit);
> MigrationAudit find(Object id);
> List<MigrationAudit> findAll();
> List<MigrationAudit> findRange(int[] range);
> int count();*
> It would be nice to have a datatable consume this pattern and load into
> memory only what is needs.
> Will send you a proper RFE :)

After running the 'create JSF 2 pages from Entuty Beans' wizard in NetBeans
6.8, I see it does this for me.

No need for the RFE. ;-))


The conclusion :
*To my amazement I see the NetBeans 'create JSF pages from Entity Beans
wizard' does this all for me. And holy cow it seems to allow for lazy
loading, so I can handle my 1.2 1000 million record table. What an amazing

My hat goes off to the NetBeans people. You saved me so much time! *
