Following are my comments, Dixie:
Modifying the Configuration a Web Application or Module
- Chapter title should be changed to "Modifying the Configuration
<ADD>of</ADD> a Web Application or Module"
- Example 2-7 ("Redeploying a Web Application to Retain Sessions"):
I would change the example's title to "Retaining HTTP Session State during
- Example 2-21 ("Setting a Servlet Context-Initialization Parameter
for aWeb Application"):
Add a line break before "Command set-web-context-param executed
Web Module Deployment Guidelines
- Virtual Servers:
Change marked with <ADD></ADD> in the following paragraph:
"If you deploy a web application and do not specify any assigned
virtual servers, the web application is assigned to all
currently-defined virtual servers <ADD>with the exception of the
virtual server with id __asadmin, which is reserved for administrative
- HTTP Sessions:
Please remove all existing text, including the Note. Use the following
If a web application is undeployed, all its HTTP sessions will be
invalidated and removed, unless the application is being undeployed as
part of a redeployment and the keepSessions deployment property was
set to true (see Example 2-7: Retaining HTTP Session State during
During a server shutdown, all HTTP sessions of a web application will
be persisted to the file specified by the session-manager property with
name "sessionFilename" in the web application's sun-web.xml deployment
descriptor. In order to prevent HTTP sessions from being persisted during
a server shutdown, specify the "sessionFilename" property with an empty
value, as follows:
<property name="sessionFilename" value="" />
The default location where HTTP sessions will be persisted during a
server shutdown is given as
- JSP Precompilation:
The word "Preview" in "Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Preview
Application Development Guide" should be removed