
Re: My first tests with FishCAT ...ouch

From: Jose Noheda <jose.noheda_at_gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 10:07:29 +0100

I was waiting for the final release of NB 6.8 / GFv3 to test things out. In
the meantime I had placed a workaround for the Hibenate cache issue I was
suffering. Today I finally was able to launch IWebMvc2 in GFv3 final and I
have to publicly applause the work you've done. The logging issue is
magically gone and the application fully works! No issues at all. None,
zero. Kudos to all the team!!


On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 8:57 PM, Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_sun.com> wrote:

> Hi Jose,
> On 11/25/09 09:40, Jan Luehe wrote:
> On 11/24/09 23:30, Judy Tang wrote:
> "The second time (just pressing F5) the page works fine. IIRC this is the
> exact same behavior I got with Tomcat with versions prior 6.0.20 (with
> 6.0.18 for example). The bug is fixed in Tomcat now so it may just be a
> matter of identifying the patch."
> Wow, not only report the issue, but also points out what could be the
> cause, thanks Jose for continue testing, I am sure Jan will get back to you
> soon :-)
> Jose, thanks for picking up the nightly and testing it with your app!
> I just downloaded the nightly myself and deployed your app.
> When I access the FILTERED GRID link for the first time, the page
> compiles just fine, and I don't see the stacktrace you mentioned.
> The line where you are getting an NPE (ReflectUtil.java:101) looks
> like this:
> public static void checkPackageAccess(Class clazz) {
> checkPackageAccess(clazz.getName());
> }
> which means "clazz" is null. I've cc'ed Kin-man in case he has any ideas
> what
> might be causing this. Thanks for narrowing down the range of TC releases
> for a possible fix.
> It looks like we're almost there, though. :)
> Kin-man has done some great detective work. I've updated
> https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=11182
> with his findings.
> Looks like the problem is a user error, that is, a problem in the way the
> application's Document.tag is written, which contains this tag invocation:
> <c:when test="${}">
> where the EL expression evaluates to "null", which cannot be assigned
> to a boolean, which is the argument type of
> org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.WhenTag#setTest(boolean).
> Note that the above tag invocation was not present in the version of
> Document.tag that was bundled with the earlier version of the app
> which did not show any errors.
> We're still puzzled how the app works with Tomcat, though.
> It looks like Tomcat converts the EL expression evaluation result
> "null" to false, which would not be EL spec compliant.
> Thanks,
> Jan + Kin-man