
Re: v3 not deploying huge EAR anymore

From: matthias.fraass_at_tricoder.net <matthias.fraass_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2009 15:24:31 +0100

Hi Hong,

thanks for the quick response - unfortunately I cannot share that
application with you :).

Please send the patch - even with
the only thing I can see is "Created temporary upload folder ...." and
that's it.



2009/10/29 Hong Zhang <Hong.Zhang_at_sun.com>

> Hi, Matthias
> Sorry to hear that the huge EAR is causing problem for you in v3. It's
> probably not easy to share your application for us to reproduce from our
> end. I can send you a patch (with some additional log messages to find out
> the time spent in each part of the deployment). You can apply the patch
> (update some jar with the patch in your glassfish installation) and try to
> deploy the application again and then send me the server.log. This will help
> us narrow down where the problem is and then ask the corresponding engineer
> to take a look. Will this work for you?
> Thanks,
> - Hong
> I'm perplexed:
>> An EAR that deploys fine under GF v2 doesn't deploy at all under v3 (b70).
>> It sits there consuming CPU time and timeouts after 10 minutes:
>> >asadmin deploy whow-thats-a-huge.ear
>> I/O Error: Read timed out
>> Command deploy failed.
>> I have set javax.enterprise.system.tools.deployment=FINE but get no
>> server.log entries, nothing.
>> It seems that the deployment is still going on after the timeout, though.
>> But I didn't have the patience to wait for more than 20minutes after that.
>> Originally it was a 100+MB EAR containing, amongst other JARs, an ejb-jar
>> with 45.000+ classes.
>> Please don't ask if the design is alright :). We have plans to do
>> refatoring but we have to do things one by one.
>> - It's my task to migrate that behemoth from Weblogic to Glassfish.
>> - It's deploying fine under a stock GF v2.1, so it should work under v3 or
>> at least give some hints what went wrong
>> I've stripped down the EAR so that it only contains the ejb-jar with a
>> minmal ejb-jar.xml (stripped from 5MB to only 1 SessionBean) - that's still
>> 60MB.
>> Still, it won't deploy unless I remove most of the classes from that
>> ejb-jar, leaving only about 1000 classes. And for every 10 classes I add,
>> the deployment takes 15s longer!
>> Again: v2 chews on this without a grumble and deploys it within 2-3
>> minutes!
>> -> As I've heard that v3 contains major rewrites - is there something
>> wrong with the scan processes during deployment?
>> Sorry for these unclear statements, but this is a showstopper :/.
>> I appreciate any ideas on this very much.
>> Cheers,
>> Matthias
>> --
>> http://twitter.com/MatthiasFraass
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