
Re: v3 not deploying huge EAR anymore

From: Hong Zhang <Hong.Zhang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2009 10:21:28 -0400

Hi, Matthias
   Sorry to hear that the huge EAR is causing problem for you in v3.
It's probably not easy to share your application for us to reproduce
from our end. I can send you a patch (with some additional log messages
to find out the time spent in each part of the deployment). You can
apply the patch (update some jar with the patch in your glassfish
installation) and try to deploy the application again and then send me
the server.log. This will help us narrow down where the problem is and
then ask the corresponding engineer to take a look. Will this work for you?
- Hong

> I'm perplexed:
> An EAR that deploys fine under GF v2 doesn't deploy at all under v3
> (b70). It sits there consuming CPU time and timeouts after 10 minutes:
> >asadmin deploy whow-thats-a-huge.ear
> I/O Error: Read timed out
> Command deploy failed.
> I have set javax.enterprise.system.tools.deployment=FINE but get no
> server.log entries, nothing.
> It seems that the deployment is still going on after the timeout,
> though. But I didn't have the patience to wait for more than 20minutes
> after that.
> Originally it was a 100+MB EAR containing, amongst other JARs, an
> ejb-jar with 45.000+ classes.
> Please don't ask if the design is alright :). We have plans to do
> refatoring but we have to do things one by one.
> - It's my task to migrate that behemoth from Weblogic to Glassfish.
> - It's deploying fine under a stock GF v2.1, so it should work under
> v3 or at least give some hints what went wrong
> I've stripped down the EAR so that it only contains the ejb-jar with a
> minmal ejb-jar.xml (stripped from 5MB to only 1 SessionBean) - that's
> still 60MB.
> Still, it won't deploy unless I remove most of the classes from that
> ejb-jar, leaving only about 1000 classes. And for every 10 classes I
> add, the deployment takes 15s longer!
> Again: v2 chews on this without a grumble and deploys it within 2-3
> minutes!
> -> As I've heard that v3 contains major rewrites - is there something
> wrong with the scan processes during deployment?
> Sorry for these unclear statements, but this is a showstopper :/.
> I appreciate any ideas on this very much.
> Cheers,
> Matthias
> --
> http://twitter.com/MatthiasFraass