
Re: Updates

From: Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic <Snjezana.Sevo-Zenzerovic_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 14:04:12 -0700

Adam Bien wrote:
> Hi All,
> 1. Is there any possiblity to disable the Update Nofification for GF v3? \
Yes, of course - please run updatetool client, select "Preferences" and
uncheck "automatically check for updates" checkbox on "Updates" tab.
> 2. I just installed GF v3 b70 and was notified that there are 34
> updates available. How is it possible?
Do you have any older GF installation on the system? Update notifier
monitors all IPS enabled installations on the system and will report
available updates for all of them, so I would guess that 34 available
updates are updates which would apply to an older installation and not
freshly installed build 70.
> thanks,
> adam
> Consultant, Author, Speaker, Java Champion
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