
Re: Unable to create Oracle datasource on admin gui

From: Richard Kolb <rjdkolb_at_gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 10:09:33 +0200

Hi Wouter

2009/10/28 Wouter van Reeven <wouter_at_van.reeven.nl>

> In the past I tried putting the jdbc jar in lib/ext and that won't work,
> no matter what the documentation says. Either put it in <gf install>/lib
> or <gf install>/domains/domain1/lib and it will work. In the first case
> it will work for all domains, in the second only for domain1.

thanks. I see a lot of confusion coming, since it seems that is where JDBC
drivers quite often get installed in GF 2.1.
And a lot of Sun's docs are out of date then like you say :

> FWIW you can also use the asadmin commain line to create connection
> pools and jdbc resources. To create a connection pool use
> asadmin create-jdbc-connection-pool
> --datasourceclassname=oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource --property
> username=<user>:password=<pwd>:url=jdbc\\:oracle\\:thin\\:@<host>\\:1521\\:<sid>
> <pool_name>
> To ping a connection pool, use
> asadmin ping-connection-pool <pool_name>
> And to create a JDBC resource, use
> asadmin create-jdbc-resource --connectionpoolid=<pool_name>
> jdbc/<resource_name>
> Please note that the backslashes in the first command are needed on a
> Linux environment and you may have to fiddle with them on a Windows
> environment (I don't have any experience there).
> I think using the above commands is safer than copying and pasting GFv2
> settings.

That's brilliant thanks. I tried to do that a few times but I did not get it
The sysadmins here block all ports except 80 , 8080 ,1521 so I edit
domain.xml with vi. yuck
