
Re: b67: Admin-GUI: NullPointerException _at_ JSFThemeContext.getResourcePath?

From: Cay Horstmann <cay_at_horstmann.com>
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 09:50:07 -0700

Tom Mueller wrote:
> Cay,
> Thank you for saving the old install. I do think that it would be
> useful for someone in GlassFish development to analyze exactly why the
> stack trace is happening. I expect that this will be traced to a
> configuration file being reset back to it's initial install state or
> something like that. Once we know what file it is, we can determine
> what the problem is in the packaging.
> While looking into this issue, I found that the asenv.conf file has a
> problem like this (filed bug 10401), i.e., it is updated by the
> software, but an update in a new package version will overwrite the
> updates from the software. However, in this particular case, asenv.conf
> hasn't been updated in any recent builds so the problem would not show up.
> I expect that there is some other file in GlassFish install that has
> this situation.
> Could you check your old install if there is anything in the
> org.opensolaris,pkg/lost+found directory? This directory contains
> unpackaged files that got moved by the update process. When I tried to
> reproduce the problem, I'm not seeing any of these files. But if files
> are there, that would be an indicator of the possible source of the
> problem.

I checked; there is no lost+found directory

Cay S. Horstmann | http://horstmann.com | mailto:cay@horstmann.com