
Re: jstl in embedded glassfish

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 09:23:15 -0700

Hi Johan,

This is another good catch and another helpful debug information you
provided. I checked the other
bug 10385 you filed got fixed already. Thanks Hong for fixing it fast !

Hope developer can also fix this bug fast, so you can continue help us
testing. Many thanks :-)

Part of bug description: "I added debug info into ApplicationContextFacade.setAttribute(String name,
Object object)
This method is called twice, once at startup of gfembedded and once when loading
the war. The first time, it will include the location of the gf-embedded.jar if
you supply this in the classpath (I start gfembedded using
-Djava.class.path=/home/johan/embedded/gfelab.jar:class where gfelab is the gf
embedded jar). The second time, it won't include the location of this
gf-embedded.jar, hence it can't find the regular jstl jars.

I added some debugging to TldScanner.scanJars() as well, and this shows that the
classloader chain is different in both cases."


Johan Vos wrote:
> I have a problem running JSP's that contain JSTL in embedded
> glassfish. I filed a bug for this, #10423, that contains the
> description of the problem.
> - Johan
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