
Re: WAR DeploymentContext needing EJBs o_O ?

From: Paul MERLIN <eskatos_at_n0pe.org>
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2009 10:41:44 +0200

Hello Hong,

I found the issue. acme-web-war-0_9_0-SNAPSHOT_war contains a Java Web Start that accidentaly had an ejb-jar in its
dependencies (!!) so there was a jar file containing a @Stateless class located in the acme-web-war-0_9_0-
SNAPSHOT_war directory. Glassfish v2 just ignored the jar files present at a WAR's root.

All theses changes forced me to clean our packaging up. It's a good thing.

So ... youhou! ... I finally deployed our app without errors in gf3 ! \o/

I noticed some warnings in logs, complaining about jar files not found. After a little hunt I found that one of our
dependencies have a manifest with a Class-Path entry. This is a "lib jar" so we never noticed that.
I had to hunt because the log message do not tell from which jar the manifest came from.


Le mercredi 14 octobre 2009 15:56:39, Hong Zhang a écrit :
> Hi, Paul
> Somehow it thinks acme-web-war-0_9_0-SNAPSHOT_war is a ejb jar also,
> what's the contents of this war?
> - Hong