
Re: b65: suddenly ClassNotFoundException: oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 01 Oct 2009 10:19:56 -0700

Hi Matthias,

A good news for you. There was a bug filed previously and developer is
working on
it. After the fix, you will no longer need this workaround of setting
You can add to the interest list of this bug, you will get notified once
the bug got fixed.


Judy Tang wrote:
> Hi Matthias,
> Thanks for letting us know your complicate app works and thanks for
> promoting GlassFish. That is great :-)
> Please continue try your different apps, that is a big help !
> Judy
> matthias.fraass_at_tricoder.net wrote:
>> Hi Judy,
>> I don't see any other issues so far. It seems to be be a Oracle 10g+
>> thing.
>> The rest of my app works the same under both versions of Glassfish
>> (small demo app with Entities, SessionBeans, JAX-WS WebService,
>> Restful WebService, JMS).
>> I'm pushing Glassfish v3 here to be our strategical platform from
>> next year on. So please make it good ;).
>> -Matthias
>> 2009/10/1 Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_sun.com <mailto:Judy.J.Tang_at_sun.com>>
>> Back to this thread, saw Wouter and Richard shared knowledge,
>> that is very nice !
>> "v2.1 works always and v3 works only when I set the
>> eclipselink.target-database", wonder if it is by design or some
>> thing can be fixed so v2.1 and v3 have the same behavior. I will
>> help to follow up on this. Matthias, any other issue
>> you see ?
>> Thanks for testing !
>> Judy
>> matthias.fraass_at_tricoder.net
>> <mailto:matthias.fraass_at_tricoder.net> wrote:
>>> Hi Richard,
>>> 2009/9/30 Richard Kolb <rjdkolb_at_gmail.com
>>> <mailto:rjdkolb_at_gmail.com>>
>>> Maybe this is a silly question. But why do you put the
>>> oracle driver in \lib\ext\ojdbc14.jar ?
>>> I usually put my oracle driver in \lib\ using Hibernate.
>>> Maybe what I am doing is not right.
>>> *shrug*
>>> Somehow that became my practice but I just saw that it's not the
>>> recommended way. Thank you for pointing me at this.
>>> I've put the ojdbc14.jar in domains/domain1/lib now but it
>>> doesn't make any difference for v2.1 or v3. v2.1 works always
>>> and v3 works only when I set the eclipselink.target-database.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Matthias