On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 11:09:24AM +0200, Felipe Gaúcho wrote:
> > now to continue preparing my presentation for JFall.
> To base a live presentation in a trunk development code is really a
> brave move :) eheh
> * in the last Devoxx I fixed my code at 3:15 in the morning before the
> presentation, so .. you have time :) good luck !
Too bad I missed your presentation. I did a BOF on GlassFish and Seam
together with Dan Allen. It was a last minute change in the schedule and
therefore not well advertised.
Anyway, I should be able to demo migrating a JEE5 app to JEE6 based on
GFv3. If I run into problems I just won't demo the thing that gives me
problems :-) There should be enough options to demo to fill an hour, let
alone more than an hour.
Veel shit is mest voor de toekomst.
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